Version 0.7.1
- Range argument not optional any more when plotting mixtures
- More details in summary methods
- Added a df to the mode output showing the mixture density in each draw
- Added message for users to be aware of potential label-switching to summary and plot_trace functions.
Version 0.7.0
- Major changes around the structure of the package
- bayes_estimation() renamed to bayes_fit()
- new_BayesMixture() renamed to bayes_mixture()
- Added a class “mixture” representing estimated mixtures which is used as input to mode estimation functions; see mixture()
- Added mix_mode() which calls the mode finding algorithms; discrete_MF, fixed_point and MEM have been removed
- Added a class “mix_mode”
- Removed the plotting option inside the mode estimation functions
- Added print, plot and summary methods for all classes.
Version 0.6.0
- Added examples to new_BayesMixture() and bayes_mode()
- Fixed typo on the tolerance arguments
- Added details to mode and mixture estimation functions
- Improved the documentation
Version 0.5.1
- Improved robustness of the gibbs sampler when initial classification is bad
Version 0.5.0
- Restructured the code to make use of S3 generic functions plot() and summary()
- The package now handles continuous data
- Added a mixtures of normals and skew_normals
- Added galaxy and cyclone data
- Added support for external MCMC output
- Added tests through testthats