BiVariAn is a package designed to facilitate bivariate and
multivariate statistical analysis. It includes various functions that
enhance conventional workflows by incorporating loops for different
types of statistical analyses, such as correlation analysis, two-group
comparisons, and multi-group comparisons. Each function automatically
performs parametric and non-parametric tests based on the specific
situation, allowing for user-defined arguments that can be utilized by
the methods within the function. In addition to bivariate analyses,
BiVariAn can also automate predictor selection processes according to
statistical significance levels based on the p-value. This is achieved
through functions such as step_bw_p
. Furthermore, the package allows for the
automated creation of various types of graphs, with user-customizable
arguments, including density plots, bar charts, box plots, violin plots,
and pie charts. Thus, the automation of extensive processes is
streamlined thanks to the functions provided in this package.
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'openxlsx':
#> method from
#> as.character.formula
Loading the package
Render an automatic Shapiro-Wilk’s table of a simple dataset
Variable | p_shapiro | Normality |
speed | 0.45763 | Normal |
dist | 0.0391 | Non-normal |
#> Shapiro-Wilk normality test
#> data: cars$speed
#> W = 0.97765, p-value = 0.4576
Return Shapiro-Wilk’s results as a dataframe
auto_shapiro_raw(cars, flextableformat = FALSE)
#> Variable p_shapiro Normality
#> speed speed 0.45763 Normal
#> dist dist 0.0391 Non-normal
Render an automatic Shapiro-Wilk’s table of a more complex dataset
For shapiro.test, sample size must be between 3 and 5000
Let’s select only 300 observations (arbitrary)
Now, let’s select specific columns from the database
Variable | p_shapiro | Normality |
TOTCHOL | 0.00789 | Non-normal |
SYSBP | <0.001* | Non-normal |
DIABP | <0.001* | Non-normal |
BMI | <0.001* | Non-normal |
HEARTRTE | <0.001* | Non-normal |
Common use of shapiro.test
#> Shapiro-Wilk normality test
#> data: ex_sample$TOTCHOL
#> W = 0.98654, p-value = 0.007891
Return the same Shapiro-Wilk’s results as a dataframe
auto_shapiro_raw(ex_sample %>% select(TOTCHOL, SYSBP, DIABP, BMI, HEARTRTE), flextableformat = FALSE)
#> Variable p_shapiro Normality
#> TOTCHOL TOTCHOL 0.00789 Non-normal
#> SYSBP SYSBP <0.001* Non-normal
#> DIABP DIABP <0.001* Non-normal
#> BMI BMI <0.001* Non-normal
#> HEARTRTE HEARTRTE <0.001* Non-normal