FIX: as_factor()
now interprets empty variables with
empty levels attribute as logicals to avoid returning factors with empty
NEW: as_logical()
: interprets vectors with two
levels as logical if values matches supplied list of logical pairs like
“TRUE”/“FALSE”, “Yes”/“No” or 1/2. Eases interpretation of data from
databases with minimal metadata. Works on vectors and for data.frames.
Interprets vectors with single value also matching to any of supplied
levels (Chooses first match pair if several matches).
NEW: easy_redcap()
: new parameter
to specify data format as c(“wide”, “list”,
“redcap”, “long”). For now “redcap” and “long” is treated equally. This
was added to ease MMRM analyses. In that case, missing baseline values
can be carried forward as “last observation carried forward” using the
function specifying variables to fill.
Interesting discussion on filling data here on Stackoverflow.
now has the option “none” for the
parameter to allow not splitting the
FIX: ds2dd_detailed()
: The
parameter has been turned off by default
and logicals are now interpreted as field type “truefalse”. Converting
logicals to factors would result in the numeric values being 1 for FALSE
and 2 for TRUE, which is opposite of the traditional notation and could
lead to serous problems if not handled correctly. This should solve
The newly introduced extension of forcats::fct_drop()
has been corrected to work as intended as a method.
Conversion of column names to field_names
are aligning
better with REDCap naming.
Shorten variable names above 100 characters (REDCap criteria; note recommended variable name length is <26)
Fixed a params conflict in easy_redcap() when specifying raw_or_label.
This release attempts to solve problems hosting the shiny_cast app, while also implementing functions to preserve as much meta data as possible from the REDCap database when exporting data.
The hosting on has given a lot of trouble recently.
Modified package structure a little around the
, to accommodate an alternative hosting
approach with all package functions included in a script instead of
requiring the package.
NEW: A new option to raw_or_label
has been added: “both”. Get raw values
with REDCap labels applied as labels. Use as_factor()
format factors with original labels and use the gtsummary
package to easily get beautiful tables with original labels from REDCap.
Use fct_drop()
to drop empty levels.
NEW: fct_drop() has been added with an extension to
, that works across data.frames. Use as
CHANGE: the default data export method of
has been changed to use the new labelled data
export with read_redcap_tables()
24.11.1 was rejected on CRAN based on wrong title capitalisation. This was an opportunity to extend the package overhaul. And this actually turned out to be a major step towards a very usable shiny app which have received most of the focus.
I have implemented option to specify categorical variables to
factorize, but doing this with a modified version of {forcats} and
{haven}’s as_factor()
, that will preserve any attributes
applied to the data to be able to upload and cast REDCap meta data from
richly formatted data (use .rds). No matter the input type, all input is
parsed using the default options from the {readr} package. Also to avoid
mis-labelling, logicals are converted to factors as REDCap truefalse
class follows different naming conversion compared to R. Also correct
support for variable labels as field labels (use .rds formatted data and
label with labelled::var_label())
Vignettes and documentation have been restructured.
This package has been detached from the REDCapRITS, which it was originally forked from. The data split function will be kept, while testing will be rewritten. This projects has evolved away from the original fork.
Revised tests.
Documentation has been slightly updated to highlight the shiny app for casting REDCap metadata. I am working on hosting my own Shiny Server.
Bug: ‘’ specified to ‘ds2dd_detailed()’ was ignored.
Corrected to only be ignored if ‘form.sep’ is specified. Added handling
of re-occurring form.sep
New: export_redcap_instrument()
is a new version of
, that will only export a single
instrument. Multiple instrument export can be done with
or purrr::map()
. This allows for
inclusion of this functionality in the Shiny implementation and is
easier to handle. create_instrument_meta()
Improved: shiny_cast()
app has been updated to
actually work if you install the package and not clones the whole
New: Major overhaul of the app interface with the introduction of
for building the page. Also Detailed documentation
added for the app workflow.
New: Export a REDCap instrument ready to add to your database
based on an uploaded spreadsheet. This is thanks to the
function. This functionality is
intended for projects in production and adding instruments should be
handled manually and not by API upload.
Bug: Export datadictionary with “” instead of “NA” for NAs. Upload to REDCap failed. Not anymore.
The shiny implementation is included with this package. Implementing in shinylive may be looked into again later.
Updated links and spelling.
Minor changes to pass tests and renv is out. rhub
really not running as smooth as previously.
Fix: read_redcap_tables()
: field names testing
allows to include “[form_name]_complete” fields.
Fix: ds2dd_detailed()
: default record ID name is now
“record_id”, the REDCap default. Default is still to use the first
column name. Support was added to interpret column name prefix or suffix
as instrument names. See the examples.
New: create_instrument_meta()
: creates zip with
instrument files to allow adding new instruments to project in
production. Takes data dictionary as input and creates a zip for each
instrument specified by the form_name
New: doc2dd()
: function to convert document table to
data dictionary. This allows to specify instrument or whole data
dictionary in text document, which for most is easier to work with and
easily modifiable. The generic case is a data frame with variable names
as values in a column. This is a format like the REDCap data dictionary,
but gives a few options for formatting. Has a few related functions for
data handling and formatting. One interesting function is
, which allows for a dynamic
-like approach for regex-matching. I
think it is neat at least.
, I need to remove curl
as a
dependency. To accomplish this, the shiny_deploy()
functions has been moved to the package project.aid
This was before realising that REDCapR
as dependency, which is the culprit.
is not going to be a shinylive
web-app without removing REDCapR
dependency or any other
REDCap database interaction, which would defy the purpose. I’ll stick to
hosted Shiny app instead.Fix: ds2dd()
: uses correct default dd column names.
Will be deprecated.
Fix: easy_redcap()
: fixed to actually allow project
naming. also specifically asks for uri. widening updated to
Fix: redcap_wider()
: updated to accept more formats
and allow handling of simple projects without repeating instruments and
not longitudinal.
Fix: read_redcap_tables()
: now handles
non-longitudinal project without repeatable instruments.
NEW: ds2dd_detailed()
: extension of the
, which serves to preserve as much metadata as
possible automatically. Depends on a group of helper functions also
introduced. Of special note is the
, which will try to guess which
columns/variables should be formatted as time only formats. Supports hms
NEW: read_redcap_instrument()
: convenience function
to retrieve complete instrument. Goes a little against the focused
approach. With REDCapR::redcap_read()
you can specify a
form to download. You have to also specify the record id variable
though. This is done for you with read_redcap_instrument()
Nothing fancy.
NEW: shiny_cast()
: Shiny application to ease the process
of converting a spreadsheet/data set to a REDCap database. The app runs
locally and data is transferred securely. You can just create and upload
the data dictionary, but you can also transfer the given data in the
same process. I plan to host the app with, but for now you
can run it locally.
I believe renv
has now been added and runs correctly.
After clone, do renv::restore()
to install all necessary
package to modify the package. This seems to always be back and forth.
may be on its way out again.
Added a Code of Conduct.
: checking form names based on
data dictionary to allow handling of non-longitudinal projects. Prints
invalid form names and invalid event names. If invalid form names are
supplied to REDCapR::redcap_read()
(which is the backbone),
all forms are exported, which is not what we want with a focused
approach. Invalid event names will give an output with a rather peculiar
formatting. Checking of field names validity is also added.One new function to ease secure dataset retrieval and a few bug fixes.
function to ease the retrieval of a
dataset with read_redcap_tables()
-package based key storage, which handles secure API
set, storage and retrieval. Relies on a small helper function,
, which wraps relevant
-functions. Includes option to cast the data in a
wide format with flag
: when using this function on its
own, supplying a data set with check boxes would fail if metadata is
supplied as a tibble. Metadata is now converted to data.frame.
: fixed bug when supplying
events.This version marks the introduction of a few helper functions to handle database creation.
New: ds2dd()
function migrating from the
-package. Assists in building a data dictionary for
REDCap from a dataset.
New: strsplitx()
function to ease the string
splitting as an extension of base::strsplit()
. Inspiration
from and
New: d2n()
function converts single digits to
written numbers. Used to sanitize variable and form names in REDCap
database creation. For more universal number to word I would suggest
or xfun::numbers_to_words()
though I have not been testing these.
Page added. Vignettes to follow.
GithubActions tests added and code coverage assessed. Badge galore..
To reflect new functions and the limitation to only working in R, I have changed the naming of the fork, while still, of course, maintaining the status as a fork.
The versioning has moved to a monthly naming convention.
The main goal this package is to keep the option to only export a
defined subset of the whole dataset from the REDCap server as is made
possible through the REDCapR::redcap_read()
function, and
combine it with the work put into the REDCapRITS package and the
handling of longitudinal projects and/or projects with repeated
NEW: this
function is mainly an implementation of the combined use of
and REDCap_split()
maintain the focused nature of REDCapR::redcap_read()
, to
only download the specified data. Also implements tests of valid form
names and event names. The usual fall-back solution was to get all
NEW: this function
pivots the long data frames from read_redcap_tables()
NEW: a hidden
helper function to enable a focused data acquisition approach to handle
only a subset of metadata corresponding to the focused dataset.