Let YY be an A×L matrix of values, where a=1,⋯,A indexes age group and l=1,⋯,L indexes some combination of classifying variables, such as country crossed with time. The values are real numbers, including negative numbers, such as log-transformed rates, or logit-transformed probabilities.
We perform a singular value decomposition on YY, and retain only the first C<A components, to obtain YY≈UUDDVV⊤
UU is an A×C matrix whose columns are left singular vectors. DD is a C×C diagonal matrix holding the singular values. VV is a L×C matrix whose columns are right singular vectors.
Let mmV be a vector, the cth element of which is the mean of the cth singular vector, ∑Ll=1vlc/L. Similarly, let ssV be a vector, the cth element of which is the standard deviation of the cth singular vector, √∑Ll=1(vlc−mc)2/(L−1). Then define MMV=11mm⊤VSSV=diag(ssV), where 11 is an L-vector of ones. Let ~VV be a standardized version of VV, ~VV=(VV−MMV)SS−1V.
Furthermore, we can express matrix BB as BB=UUDDMM⊤V=UUDDmmV11⊤$=bb11⊤.
Consider a randomly selected row ~vvl from ~VV. From the construction of ~VV, and the orthogonality of the columns of VV TODO-spell this out a bit more, we obtain E[~vvl]=00 and Var[~vvl]=II. This implies that if set yy′=AAzz+bb where zz∼N(00,II), then yy′ will look like a randomly-chosen column from YY.
TODO - illustrate with examples