
samesies compares lists of texts, factors, or numerical values to measure their similarity. The motivating use case is evaluating the similarity of large language model (LLM) responses across models, providers, or prompts—a strategy often referred to as LLM-as-a-judge .


You can install samesies from CRAN with:


Basic Usage

samesies provides three main functions for measuring similarity:


Compare similarity between multiple lists of character strings.


r1 <- list("R is a statistical computing software", 
           "R enables grammar of graphics using ggplot2", 
           "R supports advanced statistical models")
r2 <- list("R is a full-stack programming language",
           "R enables advanced data visualizations", 
           "R supports machine learning algorithms")

tex <- same_text(r1, r2)

Methods available via stringdist (e.g., method = "osa"):


Compare similarity between multiple lists of categorical data.

cats1 <- list("R", "R", "Python")
cats2 <- list("R", "Python", "R")

fct <- same_factor(cats1, cats2, 
                   levels = c("R", "Python"))

Methods available (e.g., method = "exact"):


Compare similarity between multiple lists of numeric values.

n1 <- list(1, 2, 3)
n2 <- list(1, 2.1, 3.2)

num <- same_number(n1, n2)

Methods available (e.g., method = "exact"):

num <- same_number(n1, n2, 
                   method = "normalized", 
                   max_diff = 2.2)
num <- same_number(n1, n2, 
                   method = "fuzzy", 
                   epsilon = 0.05,
                   epsilon_pct = 0.02)

More Lists

When you input more than two lists, compute pairwise comparisons across lists.

Nested Lists

Nested lists are supported as long as they share the same names and lengths.


All three functions return similar objects that support the following methods:

Accessing Object Data

The package uses S3 objects, allowing access to the underlying data:


The Spiderman image in the hex logo is fan art created by the Reddit user WistlerR15.