wordpredictor 0.0.3
Bug fixes
- Disabled caching in R Markdown files, because it was causing
problems with CRAN checks.
wordpredictor 0.0.2
Bug fixes
- Fixed small bugs that were causing problems with GitHub actions and
CRAN checks.
- Removed custom
file as it was causing
problems with GitHub actions.
- Updated sample code in
vignette so it does
not cause issues with R CMD Check on MacOs.
- Removed
inst/extdata folder
since it was causing problems with
check-standard workflow on GitHub.
- Removed non-standard characters from example in data-cleaner.R file
as they were causing problems with CRAN check on “Debian Linux, R-devel,
- Issues related to the bug fixes: #318, #319, #320
wordpredictor 0.0.1