provides an easy to use, fast framework for
generating academic “group” websites. Often, consortiums of researchers
are wanting a web presence that groups staff to projects and
publications, but managing such a website can be an expensive
Fundamentally, condensr
is a bunch of quarto
templates, combined
with some convenience functions to generate markdown automatically.
Staff are linked to projects, and to publications, and websites for each
are generated automatically.
You can install the development version of condensr from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("MikeLydeamore/condensr") devtools
To get started with condensr
, simply run:
create_website(dir = "site_dir", name = "site_name")
and a new website will be generated with the files you need.
The about.qmd
page includes the high level information.
Most of the group information belongs in index.Rmd
the three structures expected by condensr
are built.
To build the website, simply run:
::render("site_dir") quarto
You can host the page just like you would any other
site: GitHub Pages, Netlify, or any other HTML
hosting site of your choosing.
If you are using condensr
please tell me - I’d love to
hear about it.